Sunday, July 8, 2012

Welcome to Oasis in the Stream's Blog

Our goal is to serve people that love Google products, Google Plus, social media, and technology.

We will do our best to help you learn to use Google products and Google Plus in the best way that will benefit you. We don't desire you to do Google Plus our way or use Google products exactly as we use them. We want you to discover the best way for you to use Google Plus and Google products for your needs.

We will strive to highlight the best Google Plus users, G+ tips, and great Google products for the everyday average user.

Our Blog will further deepen your understanding of social media that pertains to Google Plus and Google products. You will find posts on this blog that will go into more detail about specific topics that we discuss in our Google Plus posts.

Feel free to follow us on Google Plus, subscribe to our Youtube Channel, and comment on our blog posts. You are always welcome to email Oasis in the Stream. All our contact information can be found on our Google Plus page and convenient links are available in our Visit us on G+ tab from our blog's navigation menu. You can even leave us a comment on our Visit us on G+ page on this blog.

On our Google Plus page we will:

●   Daily Posts  - One post from our page daily Monday-Friday. (Once in a while we may post 2 posts a day if it's a special occasion.)

●   Saturday Summary  -  One summary post of the most discussed G+ posts of the week on Saturday.

●   2-3 vlogs a week  -  We will focus on technology, G+, Google products, social media news (video blogs will be 2-4 minutes long).

●   Video Tutorials  -  Occasionally we will post helpful video tutorials on Google Products, Google Plus, and new cutting edge software.

●   Hangouts -  One Hangout on Air a week in which we will discuss technology, Google, social media, Google Plus, news, and will answer questions from our followers and live viewers.

●   Tours of Google Plus -  One of our managers will give hangout tours of Google Plus to new users at least once a month.

We hope that we can help you all find a little peace in the chaotic world of social networking and online business applications.

Oasis in the Stream Welcome Message on G+

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