Thursday, July 26, 2012

POP/IMAP for Gmail

click on photo to see original post
Gmail: Forwarding to POP/IMAP

I was lucky enough to be an early adopter of Google Gmail. In those days the other big web based email providers Yahoo and Hotmail only provided very small email storage limits then along came Google and everything changed.

One of the best features of using Gmail is that you are able to use other desktop email clients like Outlook to download and read your email. You can also forward your Gmail to another email account. Gmail supports both the POP3 and IMAP protocols.

IMAP offers two-way communication between your web Gmail and your email client. This means when you log in to Gmail using a web browser, actions you perform on email clients and mobile devices (ex: putting mail in a 'work' folder) will instantly and automatically appear in Gmail.
I currently use IMAP from my Ipad’s standard email client with my Gmail account this means when I do something on my Ipad like moving or deleting an email it is automatically reflected in my Gmail account.

1. To access all this good stuff just login to your Gmail account and click on settings .

2. Then click on Forwarding POP/IMAP don't be intimidated by all the options.

3. Click enable IMAP or if you prefer you can click enable POP.

4. Configure your email client. (Google have provided some useful configuration instructions) so I won’t repeat them here.

When you have completed the setup you should now be able to access and control your Gmail account from your desktop or mobile email client.
Next time I will show you how you can configure Gmail to connect to and download emails from your other non Google email accounts. Why? So you can let Gmails very powerful Spam filters clean up all those unwanted Viagra messages for you.

Post by +Daryl Hunt 

If you would like to see the original post go here

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Make Your Links Look Lovely

Last week, we talked about the various controls you can use when posting to Google+. This week, we're going to look in a little more detail on one of those controls - the Link button. For many pages, there is a lot you can control when you share the link. Taking a few second when you share a page will help people understand what you're sharing and can make your share look better.

1 - To get started, click on the link icon when you want to share what's new. This info also works if you're sharing from the page itself using the Share or +1 buttons on that page.

2 - Enter the URL for the web page you want to share and...

3 - Click the add button. If you change your mind, you can cancel the link by clicking on the X next to the add button.

Then it gets interesting. Google will try to read the web page and get some information about it. This may include the title of the page, some text or other descriptive information about the page, and an image from the page.

4 - Review the graphic. Usually, Google is pretty good about picking a graphic that makes sense, but not always. If you move your mouse over the graphic, you'll see two arrows that let you pick which graphic you think goes best. If none of them do, you can click on the X on the graphic to remove the graphic.

5 - Review the description. Again, Google is pretty good about picking text for the page, but sometimes what it picks doesn't make sense. If you don't like the text, or you don't want text with what you're sharing, you can click on the "Remove description" line to remove it. The title of the page, however, cannot be removed.

Change your mind about linking here? Go ahead and click the X to remove the link completely.

Once you have that done, you can enter additional comments about the page, select who you want to share it with, and click the Share button.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

More to Sharing than Sharing

So you want to share what's new? No problem. Just type in your text and click Share, right? What about names and circles? Or sharing a photo or video? And how do you prevent your post from being re-shared?

Here is a rundown of some of what you can do when you share a thought.

The non-option
Your first option, of course, is to post nothing. Change your mind? Just click the X in the upper right corner. But be sure you mean it.

Photos, Videos, Events, and Links
You may want to share some pictures, or a YouTube video, or an event, or a link with your circles. Pressing each of these buttons lets you do just that that. Sometimes you can change how each of these shares look - and we'll discuss that in a later post.

Of course you're going to add who will see this. The easiest way is to start typing in a circle, person, or one of the special send groups such as "Public". You can also press the "Browse people" button to select circles or people you follow.

If you select a circle, hovering over that circle gives you a brief idea who is a member, plus it lets you send a notification to that circle. Use this sparingly! People get irritated if they get a notification for every post you make, but it can be useful to make sure your family sees when you've posted great new pictures.

Follow the Down Arrow
The down arrow on the side of the user/circles field lets you set some additional options (as illustrated).

If you "Disable Comments", people won't be able to comment on your post. Duh.

If you "Lock this post", then people won't be able to share the post. (But keep in mind that some people are clever and will get a screen shot, so this isn't perfect security.)

Both these settings can also be done after you make the post, but this helps you do it up front.

Take a look at the options you have when you post a message. They help you create quality posts that are perfectly tailored for your audience.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Oasis in the Stream- Q&A (Hangout on Air: Vol 1)

Blind Notification: G+ Emails & Mobile Notifications

Blind Notifications - How to Turn Them Off Without Pleading or Blocking

Google+ is new to more people than you can imagine.  
Whether they have been here a while and are now just beginning to get into it, or if someone has just joined, notifications can be strange and disconcerting. You are shared in a circle, or your post makes the hot list.  Guess what happens? You get new followers, sometimes a lot all at once.  Bless these people, because they know not what they do.  They are so happy to know you that they blindly notify you of all the interesting things they are certain you would want to know about.

What's wrong with that?  Well, it would be that bad if you just got a few more digits in your notification box, but it doesn't work out that way.  As it seems, when you first sign up for Google+, these notifications are also sent to you as emails.  Argh!  More SPAM!  Well, that's the way it feels.
But let's think about it.  Is it really spam? Or is the problem in notifications?  Well Google actually provides us a way to zero in on this particular issue and eliminate those emails without affecting any of our other notifications.

Here's how you can "fix" it:
1) Click the arrow next to your picture up there on the top right (see examples below).  Then click "settings."  That's where all your Google settings live.
2) On the left are a bunch of headings.  Click on Google+
3) You will see a list of notifications with two columns to the right.  One is labeled Email and the other is labeled Phone.
4) Scroll down to the setting for "Shares a post with me directly"
5) Uncheck the setting for Email.
6) That's it!  

No more pesky emails when someone "blindly" notifies you.  It won't change "Mentions me in a post."  That setting is for public notifications (+mentions). Trust me folks, this will change your life.  Enjoy.

- Written by +Jack C Crawford (Contributing Editor)

Post on Oasis in the Stream on Google Plus


Thursday, July 12, 2012

Daryl Hunt: Introduction Post for OITS

Hello everybody my name is Daryl Hunt and I am one of the new Co-Managers of Oasis in the Stream. I hail from Downunder (Australia) where it’s the middle of winter with snow on the mountains. When I am not sitting at my computer I enjoy music, theatre, books and have been singing with a Cappella group for over twenty years. So if you also like show tunes, drama or any of the performing arts I would love to hear from you.

I am old enough to remember when mobile phones and the Internet were in the realms of science fiction. I am really happy to be involved with Oasis in the Stream because I passionately believe in social engagement. Google has a plethora of products and tools available to us all and I want to share what I know with you and also to learn from you. I hope that here we can build a strong supportive collaborative community. I want to thank Margie Hearron for not only having the idea for this but having the drive to make it happen. Because I live Downunder the tyranny of Time Zones means I might be sleeping when you're awake or vice versa but I will do my best to assist you and answer any questions you might have. I look forward to meeting and collaborating with you all here. So that’s me in a nutshell if you want to know more then you will have to follow Oasis in the Stream.


(posted 7/11/2012 at 11:45PM Central Time)  Post on Oasis in the Stream on Google Plus


Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Learn to use the Plus One (+1) Button

Use Your Plus One (+1) Button: It has a lot of power

It shows your friends how much you like something. We all love to play with toys, add Chrome extensions, download Android apps, play with devices, read blogs, watch videos, and check out sites that our friends on G+ have enjoyed. 

Few examples of things you might want to +1 on the web:

1. Plus One your favorite Blogs and Blog entries (from their permalinks or on the blog entry if you use Blogger.
2. Remember to +1 your Favorite Youtube Videos from their permalinks.
3. Never be afraid to + 1 great stuff on the web. Plus one your favorite G+ person.
4. Your +1 s will be on your G+ profile tab under +1s. You can make them public or private. You can use them to bookmark sites or G+ posts. 
5. Use your + 1 button often. Don't be afraid of it. you can use it on Facebook and Twitter permalink posts/tweets.


1. Web + 1s that will show up on your G+ profile + 1 tab. 
2. Google Plus + 1s of posts and comments that do NOT show up on your G+ profile + 1 tab. 

On your profile page, click on EDIT PROFILE and then your + 1 tab to make your + 1s public. Or you can make them private. You can delete + 1s also from the tab on your profile page. 

Get a + 1 button extension for your Chrome browser and one for your Firefox. 

Plus one on Chrome:
Plus One (+1) button:
(There are many in the Chrome Store: )

Firefox + 1 button:


posted by Margie Hearron


(Special edition post:  Post on Oasis in the Stream on Google Plus)

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Who Ya Gonna Call?

Click on photo to view G+ post
Inevitably, you’re going to run into problems here on Google+. When that happens - what should you do?
A good first step is to Send Feedback to Google about your problems. From the Gear in the upper right hand corner of the stream (just above the Trending topics and below the search button) you can click on Send Feedback, describe what the problem is, possibly highlight part of your screen to illustrate the problem, and then send the issue off to Google. 

They probably won’t reply, but they do compile weekly summaries internally of problems and use the feedback to prioritize what changes they will work on next for Google+.

Another good suggestion is to share your problem with your friends, publicly, and with Google’s Community Managers. (And feel free to mention us, too.) You may even share the same post that you sent to Google. If your problem is about Google’s photos or Google+ Events, make sure you mention Brian Rose. If the issue is with hangouts, then Dori Storbeck is the person to include. Otherwise, Natalie Villalobos handles general Google Plus questions and issues. These Community Managers can be busy, so sometimes responses take a while, but they do try to get to every message.

Finally, if you’re being harassed or have a problem with a user on Google Plus - report them and block them, or at the very least uncircle them. Google has put the power in your hands to manage some of these issues - don’t be afraid to use these tools.

Help make Google Plus a better tool for everyone - share your feedback and ideas.

-- G+ Post via Allen Firstenberg

Monday, July 9, 2012

Hangout Tab Trick For Chrome Browser


One of the best features of Google Plus is Hangouts. Hangouts are video chat conferences that seat up to 10 Google Plus users.

Usually when I get an occasional hangout invite from a friend, I’m busy doing other things online, but I will join the hangout regardless, and then I’m suddenly in one of those pesky pop-up Hangout windows.

I like to keep my Hangouts in my browser tabs so I can be in a Hangout and also continue to finish my online activity until a Hangout on Air goes live.

I discovered a easy little trick to get that window back into my original Chrome Browser.

Follow these steps:
1. Start a Hangout in Chrome.
2. In the popup Hangout window, click on the Title Bar and right click.
3. Scroll down the menu and choose “Show in Tab.”
4. Now your Hangout window is in a new regular Chrome window.
5. Drag the Hangout window to the tab bar in your original Chrome window. 

Sidenote: I don’t use Chrome as my default browser. I use Firefox most of the time, so I had no idea about this trick for Chrome until recently. Again, this is a great tip for new Chrome users that are using Chrome as their Google Plus browser of choice.

If you are a Firefox user, add the extension "Tab Mix Plus"  

1. Add the extension Tab Mix Plus to Firefox. Go to this link:

2. Go to your Add-ons in your Firefox browser and click on "Extensions," and then onTab Mix Plus, select the tab that says "Options."

3. Set the settings in the Tab Mix Plus extension to open all links into a new tab

4. Select "Open all popups in tabs" for JAVASCRIPT and Popup Restriction setting.  

These settings should do the same trick for you if you want your Hangout window to go to a Firefox tab.

posted via Margie Hearron


Hangout Tab Trick for Chrome Browser on Google Plus

Feel free to comment on this post and visit and/or follow our Google Plus page. If you would like to contribute a post, promote Oasis in the Stream  or become a Manager of our page, please contact Margie Hearron, Allen Firstenberg, Jack C Crawford, or Marc Jansen.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Welcome to Oasis in the Stream's Blog

Our goal is to serve people that love Google products, Google Plus, social media, and technology.

We will do our best to help you learn to use Google products and Google Plus in the best way that will benefit you. We don't desire you to do Google Plus our way or use Google products exactly as we use them. We want you to discover the best way for you to use Google Plus and Google products for your needs.

We will strive to highlight the best Google Plus users, G+ tips, and great Google products for the everyday average user.

Our Blog will further deepen your understanding of social media that pertains to Google Plus and Google products. You will find posts on this blog that will go into more detail about specific topics that we discuss in our Google Plus posts.

Feel free to follow us on Google Plus, subscribe to our Youtube Channel, and comment on our blog posts. You are always welcome to email Oasis in the Stream. All our contact information can be found on our Google Plus page and convenient links are available in our Visit us on G+ tab from our blog's navigation menu. You can even leave us a comment on our Visit us on G+ page on this blog.

On our Google Plus page we will:

●   Daily Posts  - One post from our page daily Monday-Friday. (Once in a while we may post 2 posts a day if it's a special occasion.)

●   Saturday Summary  -  One summary post of the most discussed G+ posts of the week on Saturday.

●   2-3 vlogs a week  -  We will focus on technology, G+, Google products, social media news (video blogs will be 2-4 minutes long).

●   Video Tutorials  -  Occasionally we will post helpful video tutorials on Google Products, Google Plus, and new cutting edge software.

●   Hangouts -  One Hangout on Air a week in which we will discuss technology, Google, social media, Google Plus, news, and will answer questions from our followers and live viewers.

●   Tours of Google Plus -  One of our managers will give hangout tours of Google Plus to new users at least once a month.

We hope that we can help you all find a little peace in the chaotic world of social networking and online business applications.

Oasis in the Stream Welcome Message on G+